Juvenile Cross Country Season 2019

2019 proved to be a hugely successful cross country campaign for our younger athletes. It all started with our Open Cross Country in Newbridge College on 21st September, where we had over 100 juveniles from Newbrige and 250 in total, with many experiencing cross country running for the first time.

We then went on to the county championships over 2 days in Larchill, Kilcock, hosted by St. Cocas A.C. After day one was suspended due to the rain, the action got underway a week late, but this didn’t deter the Newbridge gang.

Over the two days, we had teams competing in both boys and girls from U9 up to U13. We also had individuals competing in the older age groups. In total, there were again over 100 individual performances over the two days from our club.

The large numbers were duly rewarded with some fine displays of running and managing to capture some silverware as a bonus. We had individual wins for Cillian Campbell (boys U9), Sona Garavaglia Drion (girls U10) and Aaron Murphy (boys U12).

Even more impressively, our teams packed really well in all races and we took county titles in U9 Boys, U10 Boys, U11 Boys, U12 Boys, U10 Girls and U11 Girls. We also took silver in U13 boys, and bronze in U9 girls. An absolutely amazing return from the 13 teams who competed.

Many of our younger kids then went on to compete in Leinster for the first time, helping our U11 boys and girls teams to top 6 finishes and also scoring on the county teams. A number of our boys have also qualified and will compete in the All-Ireland cross country in December.

Finally, we had the inaugural county cross country relays in December. This proved to be a very popular and really enjoyable event and again we were able to put out strong teams across the age groups, with one of our 5 U12 teams winning gold and one of our 3 U10 teams taking bronze.

Well done to all athletes, coaches and parents for your efforts over the past few months.